While technology evolved, Pokémon players faced an issue: new consoles could not connect to older consoles. RELATED: Top 5 Metroidvanias of All Time You Can Play Right Now Don’t forget to pack some extra AA batteries, as we have a long journey through memory lane. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the best Game Boy Advance games of all time, hoping that we’ll soon be able to replay them on our Nintendo Switch.

Also, we are leaving the remakes on the bottom for the simple reason that we want to highlight how original and unique some of the Game Boy Advance titles were. The following list features 15 amazing Game Boy Advance games, and while it does try to rank all these games, it should be read more as a recommendation guide, as every title on this selection deserves to be revisited by fans. So now that Game Boy titles are reportedly coming to the Nintendo Switch, it’s time to revisit some of our most cherished memories from a long-gone childhood and list the 15 best Game Boy Advance games of all time.
At the same time, during the short three years where the Game Boy Advance was the primary portable on the market, the console became home to some of the best titles of franchises such as Metroid and Castlevania. Home of some of the best remakes ever made by Nintendo, the Game Boy Advance allowed a new generation to play certain classics for the first time. It’s been 20 years since the Game Boy Advance hit the stores, adding a landscape view format to the already successful Game Boy Color.